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GALA's candidate questionnaires seek to gather candidate positions on issues of importance to LGBTQ voters and those supportive of our issues. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, GALA cannot endorse candidates however we do take positions on issues and we work to educate and mobilize voters. As such, responses to the questionnaire are released, unedited, in the following ways:


  • Emailed to 2300+ GALA NTX Newsletter subscribers

  • Posted on the GALA North Texas Facebook page which has over 7200+ followers

  • Available for download from our website


The questionnaire was completed online. Candidates were informed that if GALA did not receive their survey by the deadline, the Voter Guide would indicate that they had declined to participate. Education is central to our mission and we are optimistic that anyone that seeks public office is receptive to gaining knowledge about unfamiliar topics.

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